Monday, May 14, 2018



Dear all, please we want to call our attention to some observations we believe we must voice out and share in order for all of us to be vigilant and keep our eyes wide open in our communities and environments.

We have noticed with great fears and concerns, the daily increase in the rate of proliferation and influx of Northern youths (Hausa/Fulani) being brought in and transported into South/South, especially and Port Harcourt and Yenagoa, generally in uncountable trailers as a result of migration under the guise of insurgency/terrorism in the North.

We would have kept quiet but our greatest surprise is the rate at which they are brought in and immediately get engaged in some trades/businesses within a short period of their arrival here.

You will recall that the military, through their investigations, discovered that Boko Haram members have their informants among the people of which many of them were shoemakers, okada riders etc.

If we look around us and take close watch, you will discover that these Northern youths (migrants) are energetic and physically fit youths.

Please, our security apparatus and especially each and everyone of us individually and collectively should try to know if these northern youths who have now engaged in trades such as Okada riding, Fruits selling, Mobile tailors, Shoe repairers, Water merchants and other kind of street hawking businesses that allow them to move from one place to another into our interior communities are indeed genuine Nigerians, and not the Boko Haram terrorists or the killer Fulani herdsmen rampaging here and there.

Our interaction with some of them shows that most of them are not even Nigerians and there are some questions we need to ask ourselves in order to keep safe and ward off any emergency external attacks and aggressions:

* Where are they from?

*Who invited them?

*Who is harbouring them or giving them places to stay or sleep at night?

*Where did they get the money to start their emergency  businesses?

*Do they actually and really rely on these their trade for survival or they have other sinister motives?

*Why do they hide their phones from the public glare at day time yet they use these same phones in the evening when they gather together with their colleagues?

*Why do we have only male youths coming down south?

*Where are their wives, children and other close family members?

*Why do they converge at designated points in the evening while their okada riders refuse to carry passengers during that period?

*Finally, are they paying TAX to the state government for all these their supposed trades/businesses?

If truly love our dear lives and properties,and we are all indeed together for the peace,safety and progress of our Communities,State and Nigeria as a whole, please let's be Careful,Vigilant,Watchful and be at Alert at all times and every time to what is going on around us day and night.

This alert is not meant to indict, create panics or cause any disaffections, but to call our attention and to carry out what the government has always advised us to do.

Credit; The Tarakiri Boy.

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