Thursday, May 24, 2018



 A distinguished member of  Southern-Ijaw Grassroot Movement for Good Governance Bayelsa State, Comr Reginald Dei Josiah today made a declaration to  run , and also to contest  for the office of councilor Ward 2 during the  emergency meeting that was held today 24th May, the group.

In his statement he said, I am honoured by the privilege afforded us through our unbreakable bond of brotherhood, and driven by the pride inherent in our sense of shared nationality, I’m humbled and excited to announce and declare to contest for the office Counselor in ward 2 Silga .

He further said that he acknowledge the fact that many of us have numerous burning questions that beg for answers regarding our struggle in the politics but, this is of course, Natural to any people bound together by common interest and purpose in a quest to achieve set goals.

I also acknowledge the fact that there have been moments of unruly incidents and internal challenges before us as a youth

But one thing that has
always reassured me that youths must survive is our ability as a people bound by common destiny, to rise above such challenges.

My Powerful stakeholders, senior cadres, ever gallant youths, able women and fellow comrades; whatever the challenges are today, we can still rise up in unity and pursue our ultimate dream.

As I humbly ask for your mandate to become the Honourable member at the  I will like to draw our attention to, not what an individual can bring, but, to what we as a people can build; to not what an individual has got, but to what together in unity we can give.

As I seek the privilege to serve as Councilor in ward2 I am counting on your demonstrated collective integrity,
your undaunted courage and that enduring belief in the vision of our past ever gallant leaders.

My great people of the house what we can achieve in a bond of unity and brotherhood. I therefore respectfully and humbly ask for your vote and utmost support as the Honourable Councillor ward 2  in this forth coming Local Government election.

Thank You All.

God bless Nigeria
God bless Bayelsa state
God bless Silga Ward 2 
God bless us all!

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