Wednesday, May 23, 2018



We have all observed with greatest concern and shock, the turn of events in our dear Amassomma town, particularly, yesterday, 22nd May, 2018; leading to the  loss of some human lives. For one who has close filial ties to this ancient and peaceful premier Ijaw town and actually was partly raised there, I feel deeply saddened.

I convey my true  condolences and commiserations to the families of those who have lost precious loved ones. Nothing and no one, except God can assuage your grief and sorrow at this time. And we pray God grants the souls of the dead, eternal rest and the injured persons speedy recovery.

Going forward, I would like to call on all sides in the series of matters to exercise total calm and restraint. I have discussed amply with the Governor, University Authorities and some Community Leaders and reconfirm the collective interest for peaceful and amicable resolution.

 As a top level professional  Diplomat and statesman who has been involved in complex international, national and local negotiations and  conflict management, I have come to appreciate the more, the efficacy of dialogue. The true fact is that after the dissipation  of much energy, resources and expressions of strong positions, rumours and lies, accusations and counters accusations, conflicts, destruction of properties, killings and even wars, the Dialogue Table is always the ultimate.

We must therefore exercise the greatest amounts of  restraint at this time.

 We from Amassomma have been known from the cradle of our history as a home of peace and hospitality. A town with the largest heart in Ijawland, even more than its size. A town that has always given its best and its all; as long as the peace and progress of the Ijaw nation is concerned. A town whose people have always been each others' keepers. This is the time for us all to unite for peace.

Our Security Agents must also ensure that the use of the amount of force which claims the most sacred gift of God, which is human live, is a last resort and fully justifiable. The Security Agencies, most of which have robust Alternative Dispute Resolution  (ADR) platforms should dwell more on such assets in bringing normalcy to bare.

To our very able and proactive Media and Civil Society family, in the interest of the peace and dousing of tension, let us exercise needed discretion and tact at these sober times.

I want to reiterate once more, with all humility, my availability to lend my personal experience in helping us move forward and recreate harmony and peace.

Dr Godknows Boladei Igali, OON

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