Wednesday, August 1, 2018




National President of the Ijaw youths council world-wide has declared operation youths take of Political offices in Nigeria in the next year’s general election. He said the youths can no longer be observers or be usede to snatched ballot box for political opportunists in the country. Therefore, he urged all talented youths to key into politics to change the bad political system in the nation.

IYC national President Barr. Oweilaemi Pereotubo made the declaration in a press statement also made available to Daily Watch in Warri, noted that.

Unfolding political events in the build up to the 2019 General Election has prompted me to charge us on the above subject. This is very important because of the strategic position we occupy in society as youths.Statistics has shown that youths constitute over 65% of the Active Voting Population beside the pivotal and very sensitive roles youths play in ensuring the success of every election. For example, youths constitute a larger percentage of the armed forces, paramilitary, INEC and her Ad hoc staff and election observers. It is also an incontrovertible fact that it is youths that engage in ballot box snatching, thuggery and other forms of electoral violence.

 From the above, it is very obvious that youths play the most sensitive and most significant roles at all levels including in the various political parties. The question here is: how well has our great youths been treated? What has been our reward after elections?

 The answers and aftermath stories have been very unpalatable, unpleasant and undesirable. It has been so because the leaders we work and sacrifice everything including our lives do not value or appreciate our sacrifices. They do not know our worth. They feel youths cannot do without them. They feel youths cannot survive without the peanuts and crumbs that fall from their tables but that is not true. Our great youths can do far better without the crumbs because we are the ones that work for the whole from which they pinch out the crumbs for us.

 Great Comrades, this ugly narrative must change in line with global trend. Sabestine Kurz, the 32years old President of Austria which is the 14th largest economy in the world, President Emmanuel Macron of France are good examples of the success stories of our great youths. Here in the African continent, the giant strides and exploits of Comrade Julius Malema, founder and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters Party (EFF) in South Africa is legendary.

 He urged all Great Comrades to arise and take’’ our rightful position in society’’, saying ‘‘We must leave the back seat our leaders have given us and take our rightful positions in 2019.

Continuing. I therefore urge our great youths to aspire for greatness. We are qualified to represent our people in the Senate and House of Representatives at the federal level and to also become State Governors, Assembly members, Council Chairmen and Councillors at the state level. We should bear in mind that freedom is never given, rather it is taken by the oppressed and exploited. We must ask for our interests and rights and be ready to push vigorously and ensure we are given. I believe, If we commit, devote and dedicate same zeal, strength, sacrifices and commitment we dissipate in the projection and promotion of these leaders who do not know our values and those who have reduced us to our present sorry state, we shall surely sing new songs of victories, jubilations and celebrations.As a way forward, we shall nolonger entertain this ugly development. As a step forward, I hereby formally declare ‘OPERATION YOUTH TAKEOVER 2019.

Yes, while we commend our leaders who have done their bids, we urge them to support our vibrant, resourceful and very productive youths this time around. The team work and collaboration between our leaders and youths should not be lopsided. Youths who have served diligently and also prepared themselves very well in the process should be given the opportunity to serve. Again, our leaders have tried their best, it is also important for our great youths to also mount the saddle in the bid and quest for a better society.

We should also demand for RESTRUCTURING at all levels. Our great youths will never support any candidate or party that does not believe in Restructuring and in the Equitable Distribution of our resources.

It is time for our great youths to change our dance steps to suit the current very music and song of freedom, emancipation cum liberation of our people from economic and political servitude. he said.

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