Sunday, June 3, 2018



A self-determination group, the Niger Delta Self-Determination Movement (NDSDM), has called on all the Ethnic Nationalities of Niger Delta to note that the time has come “to decide for ourselves and collectively as people… what is best for us and the future of our children”.
Convener  Annkio Briggs .

NDSDM made the call on Saturday in a press statement which the group made available to ElombahNews.

The press release titled “The Survival & Future Of The Ethnic Peoples Of The Niger Delta In Nigeria” read in full:

The Niger Delta Self-Determination Movement (NDSDM) went into an emergency meeting on the 29/30th of May 2018 due to the ever changing, confusing and dangerous, undemocratic and the insecure state of Nigeria where we find ourselves.

We deliberated on the Niger Delta  Ethnic Nationalities stake in the Nation known as Nigeria, the armed Fulani Herdsmen (Foreign & Nigeria), the Boko Haram Terror Group, the threat to Christians & Christianity, the forth coming 2019 National & States Elections, the Natural Resources of the Niger Delta and more.

Below are our Observations, Conclusions:


Nigerians, especially the victims of the marauding Fulani herdsmen roaming around Nigeria killing, burning, raping, destroying properties and farms continue to hear President Buhari, the  Nigeria Army and the political and economic cabal who have created and established policies to manipulate and control political powers, give Nigerians several unacceptable stories to explain who these murders are, who trained them, where they come from and why they attack and kill innocent, defenceless Nigerians in their homes, farms and ancestral homelands.

The allegations repeatedly been made by President Buhari in Nigeria, and not too long ago  in the United Kingdom at the recent Commonwealth gathering and at his meeting with President Trump both in April 2018 that late Col. Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, a man unfortunately unable to speak for himself as he was killed nearly 7years ago is unacceptable, unfortunate, disappointing, and unbelievable.

This self-condemning excuse is coming from the President of the Federal Republic of  Nigeria.

The NDSDM in the past 4 years have spoken up expressing the concerns of the Niger Delta people over terrorism in Nigeria, the blatant and unending attacks on innocent Christians across Nigeria. In the North East, North Central States of Adamawa, Yobe, Benue, Taraba, Kogi, Kaduna States, etc.

Christians have systematically  been murdered and slaughtered in tens of thousands within the past 3 years with obvious active connivance of security agents. It is justifiable to conclude that this is a deliberate and systematic plan to kill and terrorise Christians of Northern Nigeria consisting of 19 states, and of Southern Nigeria consisting of 17 States.

The South West, South East and Niger Delta Ethnic Nationalities have not been spared in this ongoing genocide and pogrom against Christians. The Christians and Ethnic Nationalities of the Middle Belt have also alleged that the murders of the people of the Middle Belt by Fulani herdsmen has gone on for over 30years.

On the 1st and 2nd of January 2018 herdsmen attacked communities in Guma and Logo Local Government areas of Benue State. Over 80 persons were eventually given mass burials. So far three mass burials of Christians has taken place in Benue State this year, the latest mass burial been on the 22 of May 2018.

Garus Gololo a leader of Miyetti Allah cattle breeders in a chat with BBC Pidgin said they attacked and killed over 80 persons because they were protecting their cattle  and themselves. The comprehensive list and graphic photographs and videos circulating the Internet is horrific, sickening and terrifying.

Unfortunately the attacks to kill, destroy farms, burn houses, churches, rape women and occupy the ancestral homelands of Christians have gone on weekly and daily in some states and Local Government Areas in the Middle Belt.

Cattle rearing is a private business, therefore the herdsmen are employees of the owners of the cattle.

If we believe the allegation against the late Gaddafi that he trained and armed these foreign Fulani businessmen and herdsmen to stroll into Nigeria a sovereign nation, on an all  free murderous killing spree.

And if we believe the Nigeria Minister of Agriculture Audu Ogbe who have also said in the past that the herdsmen come into Nigeria in search of nutritious green grass, and water as the herdsmen believe that the water and grass in the Middle Belt and Southern Nigeria is the best, based on the above we are convinced that the APC government as lead by President Buhari is incapable and unwilling to secure lives and properties of Nigerians or to secure the borders of Nigeria through the Northern borders of Nigeria.

The APC lead government of Nigeria is obviously willing to let Fulani herdsmen of neighbouring African countries into Nigeria without any authentic documentations, simply because they are their kit and kin (Fulani herdsmen and descendants of Dan Fodio) and therefore entitled to be Nigerians despite the fact that they are not Nigerians.

It is worthy of repeating that Fulani Herdsmen are identified as the fourth deadliest terror group in the world by the Global Terrorism Index. Boko Harm operating  in the North East of Nigeria is identified as the World’s Deadliest Terror Group in the world.

ISIS and Al-Qaeda are second and third in that order. Said Mark Lipdo, the Executive Director of the Stefanus Foundation. Lipdo made this statement in Abuja the capital of Nigeria, he said that research conducted by the Stefanus Foundation and The 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative revealed that over 14 million Nigerians have been directly affected by humanitarian crisis in the North-East region of Nigeria.

Officially, there are 2.2 million Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs. Unofficially there are five to seven million IDPs, he said. Lipdo further stated that research shows that 13,000 churches were  abandoned, closed down or destroyed, 2000 children abducted and 10,000 boys forced  into Boko Haram.

Also Elijah Brown, Vice President of the 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative stated that the number of IDPs in the Country were more than 2 million as at December 2015, “the third highest figure in Africa and the seventh in the world.”

Brown called for immediate action to check the menace of herdsmen/farmers clashes in the Country as the ugly  development was having a terrible effect on the Middle Belt and the Country at large.

“Without intervention the crisis in the Middle Belt will continue to escalate, this could affect other countries in West Africa region like the Republic of Benin, Chad, Cameroon, Mali, and Niger” he said.

Leaders of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) who were present at the presentation of the report called on world leaders to come to Nigeria’s assistance to tackle the Humanitarian challenges caused by terrorist activities across Nigeria.

The disturbing fact is that the world’s powerful nations especially The United Kingdom that colonised Nigeria and responsible for amalgamating of nationalities of the Northern and Southern protectorates in 1914 for economic interests knowing and accepting that these ethnic nationalities as at the last count nearly 400 ethnic nationalities had nothing in common and can never live peacefully in one Country.

The economic stake of the British government can’t be under played.

The United States of America that have economic and natural resources interests, particularly military and security interests along the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean are looking on, very well aware  of what is going on, why it is going on, and what the end result will be.

The decision of the United Kingdom and the United States of America to watch and play down the happenings in Nigeria against Christians  will end not only in the worst interest of Nigeria but in the world powers interest in the Niger Delta.

In efforts to justify the unjustifiable some leaders, elders, governors, ministers in Nigeria and sadly in the Niger Delta, international bodies and nations have constantly referred to the genocide and pogrom unleashed by Fulani Herdsmen and Boko Haram on Nigerians of the Christian faith in their homes, farms and ancestral homeland as herdsmen/farmers clash.

To describe this obvious genocide and pogrom against Christians of Nigeria is reckless. The genocide going on in the Middle Belt we believe is about to move to the South East, South West and Niger Delta regions.

The Herdsmen and Boko Haram access Nigeria through the borders of the Northern States and head for  farms, homelands, and states in the Middle Belt and Southern States from other African Countries. The Federal Government of Nigeria refuses to stop the herdsmen from illegally entering our homelands to slaughter our people because of our Christian faith and take over our homelands and resources.

To justify these genocidal and pogrom attacks Gov El-Rufai of Kaduna state informed us that the Herdsmen are on a revenge trip, that Fulanis are known for collecting their pound of flesh even on a 200 year old grudge, others have confirmed this at different times.

The President, in the past before 2015, have strongly and publicly expressed his personal desire to impose Sharia law in all the states of Nigeria including non-Islam States. The states of the Niger Delta and the South East States are absolutely Christian States and will never accept Islamic laws, banking or practices.

The massacres by Fulani herdsmen of hundreds at any time has been justified by claiming that the thousands of Christians they kill have one time or the other stolen or killed their cattle. Surely instead of dying in the manner that our people are killed it will be better if we live apart.

On the 10th of April  the Minister of Agriculture Audu Ogbeh is quoted as saying

“Expect Worse Herdsmen, Farmers clashes in 2019”

NDSDM observe that Nigerians are been blackmailed to unwilling accept the establishment of grazing reserves and cluster ranches and colonies as a solution to the continued genocide and program on leashed on Christian Nigerians to disposes them of their God given homelands and everything on it, and the freedom to be who they are.

That the rampaging herdsmen killing and occupying farmlands and communities.

“Are ready to voluntarily pay appropriate taxes to support the establishment of grazing reserves, cluster ranches as a solution to the continued clashes between farmers and the herdsmen remained the establishment of ranches and grazing reserves.” –  Audu Ogbe, Minister of Agriculture, Nigeria

“If we don’t do it, next year will be worse than this year, I assure you” – Audu Ogbeh, Minister of Agriculture, Nigeria

“We have to move the cattle to the good old grazing reserves and just have to create environment for them, clusters of ranches where they have water, grass and security against rustlers” – Audu Ogbeh, Minister of Agriculture, Nigeria

The three quoted statements above and other statements from the federal government clearly justifies our position that the aim of the President Buhari lead APC government is to enable the Fulani herdsmen to kill Christians, take over the Christians ancestral homeland and whatever natural resources found on or under the land.

If we accept that these armed Fulani Herdsmen are not Nigeria Fulani then we must also accept  that the President Buhari lead APC Federal Government has failed and is unwilling and unable to protect Nigeria, Nigerians and properties of Nigerians, then this government has failed.

Nigeria has a military that is incapable of protecting and defending the largest black nation in the world, we have a President and Commander-in-Chief with an Army, Navy, Air Force, Immigrations and Customs, that lacks the will to protect and secure Nigeria’s  borders, especially as the foreign Fulani herdsmen pour into our Country through the Northern states.

We are disappointed and horrified that United Nations, the European Union, the United States of America and the United Kingdom Governments watch while the Federal Government of Nigeria disregard the very obvious crimes against humanity. The Niger Delta Self Determination Movement fear that this is a jihad against Christians in Nigeria.

We agree with Rtd Gen. T.Y. Danjuma as he stated on the 24th of March 2018 When he advised Nigerians, at a maiden convocation of the Taraba State University in  Jalingo,  stating that Nigerians have to rise up and protect themselves as the armed forces are not neutral.

That the Army collude with the armed bandits that kill Nigerians, that the military facilitate the movement of the armed bandits/herdsmen. If you wait on the armed forces to stop the killings, you will die one by one. T Y Danjuma is vindicated and his position is right, as the slaughtering of Christians continue across the Middle Belt States.

Sadly and rather predictably hundreds more men, women, youths, children and pregnant women have since been killed in thousands since the beginning of 2018, and since after Gen. T Y Danjuma’s expose hundreds have been slaughtered in the Middle Belt and in his own home State of Taraba, and the armed forces as he predicted has been unable and unwilling to protect the people that the herdsmen have targeted including kidnapping of hundreds of people along Kaduna Abuja road.

“The peace of this state is under assault on Taraba state, there is an attempt at ethnic cleansing in this state and of course in all the riverine states of Nigeria. We must resist it, we must stop it.

“Every one of us must rise up, the armed forces are not neutral, they collude, they collude, they collude with the armed bandits that kill people kill Nigerians, they facilitate their movements they cover them, if you are depending on the armed forces to stop the killings you will all die one by one.

“Ethnic cleansing must stop in Taraba state, it must stop in the states of Nigeria otherwise Somalia will be a child’s play.

“I ask every one of you to be alert and defend your country, defend your territory, defend your state, you have nowhere else to go, you have nowhere else to go God bless our Country,” Rtd. General T Y Danjuma.

The recent Bill proposed by President Buhari to claim our water ways of the  riverine communities and banks throws open what Gen Danjuma said:

“There is an attempt at ethnic cleansing in this state and of course in all the riverine states of Nigeria, we must resist it we must stop it” – Rtd. General T Y Danjuma (emphasis mine)

We of the NDSDM are very much aware that all our 6 Niger Delta states are Riverine state, we have never doubted that our states especially, the states leading to the Atlantic Ocean and because of the resources on, under and in our homeland are the final target as the aim is to occupy and own our resources and enslave the human beings.

Hence the constant and unrelenting attack on Rivers State, and the Governor of Rivers State, Governor Nyesom Wike, the silent but obvious attempts to set Rivers state up for violence, and insecurity and declare a state of emergency is a real danger.

The recent assault on the judiciary in Rivers State of the Niger Delta region is a deadly assault on democracy in Nigeria, but more so an attempt to destabilise the people and government of Rivers State, of the Niger Delta.

The Federal Government is setting up Rivers State and by extension the oil and gas States and region. This is to infuse violence and killings into Rivers State and Niger Delta leading to the 2019 elections.

The Water Resource Bill as proposed by the Executive is a calculated and thought out plan or strategy to take our land and control our access to water and the 200 nautical miles that the Federal Government is claiming, and deceitful reintroducing the On shore Off shore Dichotomy claims with the intention of hitting up the region and aggravating the frustration and anger that is just below the surface of the Niger Delta people feeling of oppression and neglect.

The NDSDM is aware that this Water Resources Bill is an attempt to push the Niger Delta people to the point of no return.

We have not forgotten that when President Buhari was a Military ruler in 1984 he took away 3.5% from our allocation that had been reduced by previous rulers since 1970 to 5%, leavings us with 1.5%, perhaps the aim this time round is to reduce our allocation to 0.00%, if this be the plan it will be resisted.

The NDSDM will stand with the one Governor that is willing to stand up and speak up not only for his state Rivers state, but for all the other 5 states of the Niger Delta region. Governor Wike is speaking up in the interest of the Niger Delta region and people.

The forth coming National Elections is another critical area of concern for the NDSDM, we are concerned because in past elections, the Nigeria electoral processes has always been marred with violence, violence has become accepted as part of Nigeria’s elections.

The Niger Delta States and region have had our fair shares of political violence, we demand for free, fair transparent elections where the electorate get to choose his candidate of choice, this is a universal fundamental right.

The NDSDM as a movement is not a political party movement but we have a right to be interested in the process of politics and we encourage our members to exercise their democratic rights to participate in politics as individuals.

We encourage our people of 18 years and above to register and collected their Permanent Voters Cards (PVC).

The right of NDSDM, and the right of all Niger Deltans’  involvement in politics should be to exercise our right and freedom to choose a man or woman we know can serve the people, communities, LGAs States, and region, and to deliver the best dividends of democracy to our region, states and people. Politics is a service to the people not a murder tool.

The line between the 2019 elections, the alleged Gaddafi trained armed Fulani Herdsmen and Boko Haram that is affiliated with some internationally dreaded terror groups is very thin and may not exist by the end of 2018.

The suspicion and concerns of NDSDM is that the clear and obvious increase and influx of non-Niger Delta ethnic nationalities youths and men into the Niger Delta is in preparation for the forthcoming 2019 elections.

The NDSDM observes and knows that there are members of the 3years old APC political party in the Niger Delta region, we also observe and know that the Niger Delta region has been a 21 years old PDP political party region of the six Niger Delta states, the NDSDM will defend the rights of all Niger Deltans to vote for the parties and candidates of their choice.

While all the Ethnic Nationalities of the Niger Delta as individuals or as block in politics have the right to belong to any political party, in the LGAs, States and region, and therefore have the right to choose the candidate and political party to vote for or against in the 2019 elections, as a movement dedicated to the rights of the Niger Delta people and region, we will support and defend our rights to political and electoral preferences, as we defend the rights of our people to development, security, Liberty, Equity and Justice.

It is difficult for any political party to win political elections in any Community, LGA, State and Region where that political party is unpopular and Niger Delta is no exception. Any party popular in the Niger Delta will logically emerge the winner in 2019 across the Niger Delta States.

Rigging and violence, threats, blackmail or killings should not be the primary and last resort to win any elections anywhere, particularly in the Niger Delta region. The political voices of the Niger Delta will be heard and the Niger Delta people must exercise their right of choice.

The Niger Delta will choose a Niger Delta son or daughter they prefer to represent them. This choice should not be influenced from any other region, or States, or political party from Abuja in the interest of strangers.

It  is observed that members of Boko Haram, if arrested are eventually let off, and Fulani Herdsmen are never arrested.

It is also observed that unarmed youths of Ndigbo and IPOB are arrested and killed for exercising their basic human rights for peaceful protests or marches while pythons dance in their streets and communities, towns  and cities of the South East, and crocodiles smile in the creeks and streets of the Niger Delta.

While the Niger Delta remains a military occupied area in the last 20 Years, nothing is smiling or dancing in any part of the North of Nigeria.

We observed that the Ethnic Nationalities of the Niger Delta, the Middle Belt and the South East are treated with highest level of disregard and a high level of intolerance to the extent that majority of the Ethnic Nationalities of the South of Nigeria particularly of the Niger Delta region regardless of their political leanings agree that where they can’t live in Nigeria peacefully that there is the need to consider living on their own, as this is likely to be the only path to their survival and to secure the future for their grandchildren.

Youths of southern  Nigeria ethnic nationalities are arrested or killed for attempting to defend themselves against external aggression, invasion and occupation. A person has a right to defend him or herself, their family and property from threat to life and property.

In Nigeria the Federal Government by admitting that foreigners trained by late Gaddafi are responsible for invading Nigeria through the Northern states borders and killing Christians, Christians have a right to defend themselves, families and God given ancestral land.

Youths and people of the South of Nigeria are warned by the Federal Government not to protect themselves and their families but are expected to wait in their farms and homes to be slaughtered by Fulani herdsmen.

The government, policies, political powers, all key positions in government, the nation’s Armed Forces, the Ministry of Petroleum, NNPC, etc. even  the 1999 Constitution work against the South of Nigeria specifically the Niger Delta especially to own and control our God given resources.

The stage has been set to use the  2019 elections for the final onslaught against the South of Nigeria by a handful of Cabal, who have controlled Nigeria since the 1960 independence of Nigeria with the rods of abuse, neglect, oppression, fear, threat, blackmail, religion and culture.

The attacks and killings of thousands of the Middle Belt region, and the destruction of their farms, and occupation of their ancestral lands is a strategy to inflict starvation on the people and Ethnic Nationalities and Christians of the Middle Belt, South East and the Niger Delta region, take over and occupy their homelands and resources.

The pollution and destruction of the Niger Delta air, water, land and farms by the IOCs and their Joint Venture Partners the Federal Government is well entrenched.

The UNEP report on the level of pollution in the Niger Delta backs up our fears and the dangers the region is exposed to, that the Niger Delta region and peoples are under a death sentence because International Oil Companies and the Political cabal are determined to control our God given resources.


That the people and Christians of Northern Nigeria, the Middle Belt, and Southern Nigeria are not responsible for the desertification that is encroaching on the way of life and culture of the Fulani herdsmen of Nigeria and non-Nigeria roaming around Africa with their cattle.

We conclude that this is a conspiracy of national and international dimension to kill, take over and occupy the ancestral homelands of Christians, their water, resources mineral and solid across Northern and Southern Nigeria, particularly the Niger Delta region for her Natural Resources and the access to the Atlantic Ocean that resides in the Niger Delta through the communities of the riverine areas and states.

The Niger Delta Ethnic Nationalities should not and will not sit down as easy targets, feeling helpless or weak, as foreign and Nigeria Fulani herdsmen prepare to attack, destroy, kill and occupy our ancestral homelands and resources on and under our lands.

The NDSDM call on all Niger Delta Ethnic Nationalities of the six Niger Delta States to stop killing themselves for any political party in Nigeria. The Niger Delta indigenes should not forget that the political parties are funded by the Niger Delta States.

The Niger Delta politicians should not fund political parties that proceed to instigate the killings of Niger Delta people by Niger Delta people for political parties.

The people of the Niger Delta must remember that they have no other homeland than the Niger Delta, and that by natural law of justice, the land of the Niger Delta and all resources found on, under and in the Niger Delta belongs to the people of the homeland of all the Niger Delta ethnic nationalities.

The rights of a man to protect and feed himself and his family, to live in an environment that will sustain his life and that of his family is a fundamental right, this right has been taken from the Niger Delta people by the International Oil Companies and the Federal Government  since they started exploring and exploiting for oil and gas recklessly and carelessly in1958, as the Federal Government a 60/40 percent share holder look on, therefore the Niger Delta States and people hold the Federal Government equally responsible for the destruction of the environment of the Niger Delta.

The Federal Government political campaign mantra to clean up Ogoni land is an insult on not only the long suffering Ogoni nation whose farms, waters, swamps, environment and means of livelihood have so long been destroyed by the International Oil Company Shell, and the Federal Government but an insult to the Niger Delta region, the people who have lost their lives and land that is as destroyed as Ogoni land.

Lying that you will clean up the worst man inflicted environmental  destruction by the International Oil Companies and the Federal Government to deceive the Niger Delta is the worst crime against as all the other crimes against our rights.

The Niger Delta Self-Determination Movement call on all the Ethnic Nationalities of Niger Delta to note that the time has come for each of us to decide for ourselves and collectively as people of  a political and geographic region that we know what is best for us and the future of our children.

The Niger Delta Ethnic Nationalities owe it to themselves to find ways to live and work together in the interest of today and tomorrow.

That the long-term call for Restructuring Nigeria, the practise of True Federalism, Referendum or Self Determination which is the drive of the Niger Delta Self Determination Movement, in simple terms to change the ways Federal Government of Nigeria governs Nigeria.

This is simply a call to change the policies and structures that takes away from the Niger Delta states rights to her  resources, while sharing these revenue from the resources to the other states that can’t sustain themselves, is the only and last change acceptable to The Niger Delta peoples.

The only justifiable position to us, is that the Niger Delta region’s natural resources be utilised justly and rightly for the development and security of our people, region and future, our resources should not remain with the centre as it is unnatural and unjust

The centre should not decide the pace of our development and our future.

A Restructured Nigeria or Fiscal Federalism should be the minimal change acceptable to the Niger Delta people, a solid commitment to a restructured Nigeria that will allow Liberty, Equity and Justice to all the nearly 400 Ethnic Nationalities of Nigeria before the 2019 elections will be the minimum that will encourage the Niger Delta people to expect an election that will be free, fair and transparent.

The NDSDM call on all Niger Delta ethnic nationalities of 18 years and above not minding the political party commitment, to register  and collect their Permanent Voters Card (PVC). No matter how difficult the process to register is made by the system, it is a responsibility we owe ourselves, region and future.

A PVC is the property of the individual whose data is captured on it, your PVC is your sole right to use, it is your voice, it is YOUR YES  or YOUR NO.

To vote for a candidate of your choice should be based on what you want and expect that candidate to do on your behalf, your right to vote is not to confirm or demonstrate party loyalty, it is to demonstrate loyalty to yourself, community, development, security and the future.

Rigging is illegal and criminal, rigging can only be successful where a party is popular and accepted, if a person or party or candidate is popular and accepted then there is no need or reason to rig.

Your PVC is not to be sold or exchanged for any amount of money.

The NDSDM concludes and recommends to the people of the Niger Delta region to recognise the need to work with our politicians to create a political structure that will work for us to achieve the very best for our communities, states and region.

Our politicians are representing us, our states and region. If they are not serving us well or to our expectations we will work with them to make the changes that will deliver dividends of democracy, responsible and accountable governance on political platforms to the Niger Delta.

The ways to make the changes best for Niger Delta states and region should not and will not be determined by outsiders, strangers or political parties or by Niger Delta sons and daughters who are stooges to strangers.

Political parties don’t make the people, the people make the political parties. Niger Delta regions does not and will not belong to political parties.

The Niger Delta people and region will at all times choose the political party or parties of our choice, the political parties will not choose us, we will choose the political parties or have our own political party.  We the people and not the political parties will have the last say in the affairs of the Niger Delta and who will govern the Niger Delta states and region.

The NDSDM concludes at this time that Nigeria is at a dangerous cross roads, our people must be politically aware, and make political decisions together with Niger Deltans who have offered themselves to serve us politically, all of us cannot be serving politicians but all of us must be interested in politics, who we choose to represent us and how we will be represented.

The need to close ranks and work together is our only choice to survive and failure to do this will be regrettable.

From independence, military rule, and democratic governance the Niger Delta has been kept outside the activities of government and governance, through political oppression, selfishness, greed and lack of accountability while our resources are used to execute injustice against us.

The one time a Niger Deltan was at the helm of political affairs we will not forget what happened. Looking back from 1999 and leading up to 2019 elections we have only one choice, that choice is to make changes that is based primarily in the interest of the Niger Delta people and region, that choice is to take our destiny in our hands and make our political choice by ourselves and for ourselves, and for our children’s, children’s future.

Our outlook should be NIGER DELTA FIRST!





Signed for the NDSDM:

Comrade Emmanuel Udoh                                             —                           Akwa Ibom

Comrade Rosemary Graham-Naingba                          —                           Bayelsa

Comrade. Tony Oki                                                         —                           Bayelsa

Comrade  Hessington Chimennma Okolo                    —                           Delta

Comrade. Gabriel Allen Tomoni                                    —                           Rivers

Convener  Annkio Briggs                                               —                           Rivers

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