Thursday, July 26, 2018



His Excellency,
Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson,
Executive Governor of Bayelsa State,
Governor’s Office,
Creek Heaven.


Your Excellency Sir, i would like to from the outset commend your tremendous efforts that ensured that the stool of the Obenobhan of Okoroma Clan in Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa State was elevated to first class chief status, an elevation the people agitated for, over 35 years without result before you took over the office of the Governor in 2012.

I also wish to further commend your zeal to fixing the rot and decay of the education system in Bayelsa State. Sir, I most sincerely want to commend these boldness and courageous steps that you have taken to complete the Bayelsa State International cargo airport that would be commissioned in sometime August 2018. As far as i am concerned, most politicians of this contemporary time would be afraid to take such bold and courageous steps.

Your Excellency, I want to say, that your administration has in no doubt done a lot of good things in our beloved state. Beyond sentiments, my state is now enviable among states in Nigeria. The infrastructural developments are really worth the commendation, and they pass as adorable. I have no option than to say thank you for these.

My open letter to you, Your Excellency, at this point in time is informed by the recent development relating to the first class traditional stool tussle that has engulfed the Okoroma Clan Chiefs Council which is part of the office of the Acting Clan Head of Okoroma clan, Nembe Local Government Area of the state.

I am writing this to you, Your Excellency, as a concerned indigene of Okoroma Clan and not as someone who wants to gain cheap attention from you. I write this as a concerned citizen that is ready to change the cause of his generation, using the pen and advocacy, and be rest assured that my purpose comes with justification.

Your Excellency Sir, I know a few praise singers, the same ones who praise every person in power, will misrepresent my intentions by this letter and may advise you accordingly. However, for the sake of Okoroma people and posterity i wish to most respectfully draw your attention to the following concerns of my people.

That the Okoroma Clan of Chiefs which is part of the Traditional stool of the Okoroma clan in Nembe Local Government Area has been engulfed with crisis fueled by some disgruntled elements who claim to be acting on an instruction from the office of the Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State to take over superiority and control against your loyalists in the Restoration Government.

This is evident in a law Suit Number: NHC/7/2013 In the High Court of Bayelsa State of Nigeria, In the Nembe Judicial Division Holden at Yenagoa between Chief Davidson Kigimo-Emina , Chief E.D. Opuama-Osomu, Chief M.W. Diete Spiff Akkom-Aziba , Chief Joseph D.E. Iwobo (for themselves and on behalf of the executive of Okoroma Clan Council of Chiefs) as Claimants and One Mr. Ebinimi Solomon Donka (embattled Acting Clan Head of Okoroma Clan) as Defendant.
The Claimants summons claim against the Defendant as follows:

1. That the 1st Claimant , Chief Davidson Kigimo-Emina is the Chief of Emina Group of Houses in Akakumama in Okoroma Clan.
2.That the1st Claimant, Chief Davidson Kigimo-Emina is the Chairman of Okoroma Clan Council of Chiefs and the Acting Clan Head of Okoroma Clan.
3.That the purported removal of 1st Claimant as the Chief of Emina Group of Houses in Akakumama in Okoroma Clan is unconstitutional and therefore null and void.
4.That the Defendant is not King (Paramount Ruler) of Akakumama, for the Paramount Ruler election have not been conducted.
5. A perpetual injunction restraining the Defendant from Parading himself as the King (Paramount Ruler) of Akakumama.
In the above claims against the Defendant, The presiding judge of the court earlier stated, on 26/03/2018 by Justice L.M Boufini gave the following Judgement below:

1.That the 1st Claimant Chief Davidson Kigimo-Emina is the Chief of Emina Group of Houses in Akakumama in Okoroma Clan.
2. That the purported removal of the 1st Claimant Chief Davidson Kigimo-Emina as the Chief of Emina Group of Houses in Akakumama is Unconstitutional and therefore null and void.
3. That the 1st Claimant Chief Davidson Kigimo-Emina is Chairman of Okoroma Clan Council of Chiefs and the Acting Clan Head of Okoroma Clan in Nembe LGA.
4. That the Defendant Mr. Ebinimi Solomon Donka is not King/Paramount Ruler of Akakumama in Nembe LGA.
In this Vain, it is clear that Chief Davidson Kigimo-Emina is the legally recognised Chairman of Okoroma Clan Council of Chiefs and the Acting Clan Head of Okoroma Clan in Nembe LGA but surprisingly one Chief K.A Adumaingo who is not party to the law suit is rather arrogating powers of the Acting Clan Head to himself.
And when he was confronted he claimed to be working for loyalists of the office of the Deputy Governor and his actions clearly display flagrant disobedience of court order I cited earlier.

Your Excellency, may I also draw your attention to the fact that, without remorse and respect for our traditional institution, Chief K.A Adumaingo has been making public statements that he was directed to organize the Chiefs Council to work for his interest of who would succeed you come 2019/2020, as Governor Bayelsa State.
Your Excellency, it is worthy of note that this matter have been brought to your attention verbally by myself, where you directed your Special Adviser on Security Matters and Commissioner for Chieftaincy Affairs and Community Development to look into the matter and ensure the law takes it full course but rather he went further to inaugurate a committee to screen and nominate a substantive Clan Head (OBENOBHAN OF OKOROMA), your recently elevated first class stool.
Because of his unbecoming attitude, recently Chief Saviour Ibegi, Commissioner for Chieftaincy Affairs and Community development, called him for a meeting where he urged him to stop parading himself as chairman Okoroma clan council of chiefs/Ag. clan head, but he blatantly refused. This clearly shows that what he is doing is more than Meets the Eye.
Only recently, reports has it that he was funded with N10, 000,000 to carry out the plan of his masters who he claimed are loyalists to the Deputy Governor’s office whose aim is to strategize means of removing the recognized Ag. Paramount Ruler and installing somebody that would organize the Okoroma Chiefs Council to support the interest of the person his master desires to succeed you come 2019/2020.

Furthermore, recently he and his allies has synergized with some top oil and gas contractors,who are currently fighting to bring down the restoration government backed with heavy security to collect royalties and contracts that are due to the people of Okoroma of ongoing Rig and Dredging activities from Agip oil company, in order to amass recourses in preparation to fund the governorship aspiration of their principal.

And from personal investigation, it has been revealed to me that because you have directed that all parties involved should obey the rule of law, these said disgruntled elements are carrying out all their plots I have brought to your notice only when you are out of the state or the country.

Following these events, I called for your urgent intervention into the matter not because we are interested in joining issues with them but that they should realize that the journey to the 2019/2020 governorship election is still far and that Okoroma clan should not be used as a battle ground for political control and superiority.
Please, save us from this predicament. Thanks in anticipation of your prompt and kind response.

Yours faithfully,


President Okoroma Patriotic Movement OPM

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