Wednesday, July 25, 2018



Nasir el-Rufai, governor of Kaduna state, has vowed not to reconcile with some politicians he described as “traitors”.

He said this in a statement issued on his behalf by Samuel Aruwan, his spokesman.

The governor said he is aware of the efforts of the new leadership of the party in Kaduna to promote peace but insisted not having anything to do with the “enemies of the people”.

“El-Rufai is aware that the new state executive of the APC led by Air Commodore Emmanuel Jekada is making efforts to reconcile aggrieved party members,” the statement read.

“While supportive of this party effort, the government is clear that there will be no reconciliation with traitors and enemies of the people in the political class.”

Among those the governors have scores to settle with are the three senators from the state.

The governor also distanced himself from the comments of Saidu Adamu, one his aides, who apolgised to journalists in the state over the “frosty relationship” with the government.

The statement said Adamu has no mandate to speak for the governor or the government.

During a recent visit to the Kaduna state secretariat of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Adamu apologised to reporters and assured them of a cordial working relationship with the government.

“Governor El-Rufai is learning, he is bound to make mistakes and through that we make amendment. It is normal to have issues among ourselves especially in a state and when amendment is made, that is the only way the state will grow,” he had said.

“It is very important that we collaborate with you journalists and that is why l have come to interact with you and also appeal to you that l want you to be part of us. What has happened has happened.”

But Aruwan maintained that Adamu’s decision to address journalists was purely personal.

“Samuel Aruwan is the official designated to speak for the governor and the government of Malam Nasir el-Rufai,” he said.

“It is only statements from the official spokesperson that can be attributed to the governor, except in circumstances where designated senior officials have been mandated to represent the governor at events, and the speeches they will read at such places will have been suitably vetted and approved.
“Malam El-Rufai will not brook individuals trying to pass off their personal opinions as his.
“He is well-known for the frank expression of his views, and, as a leader, does not do proxies in taking responsibility for his actions, or those of the government he heads.
“On several platforms, especially his live radio chats, he has taken responsibility for the actions of his government, giving credit to officials when success comes, and taking the flak for low moments.
“As the man on whose table the buck stops, he has never abdicated nor delegated the duty of accountability.
“It is important to reiterate that the government has nothing to apologise to journalists for. The government pursues an open and transparent policy. The government maintains valuable partnerships with several credible media platforms.

“And it has never deformed its state-owned broadcaster into a propaganda outfit. Neither has it obliged that coterie of individuals who try to use journalism for purposes of extortion and blackmail.
“No journalist has faced any consequence for criticising Malam Nasir El-Rufai because criticism and abuse are part of the package for a leader.
“And in matters involving attacks on his reputation, Malam El-Rufai is pursuing civil proceedings in the courts.
“The NUJ may choose to confer awards on persons undergoing trial for fabricating stories, but the Kaduna State Government has no such luxury. There is no apology for curing people of the illusion that press freedom implies license to blackmail or incite religious and ethnic violence.”


Nasir el-Rufai, governor of Kaduna state, has vowed not to reconcile with some politicians he described as “traitors”.

He said this in a statement issued on his behalf by Samuel Aruwan, his spokesman.

The governor said he is aware of the efforts of the new leadership of the party in Kaduna to promote peace but insisted not having anything to do with the “enemies of the people”.

“El-Rufai is aware that the new state executive of the APC led by Air Commodore Emmanuel Jekada is making efforts to reconcile aggrieved party members,” the statement read.

“While supportive of this party effort, the government is clear that there will be no reconciliation with traitors and enemies of the people in the political class.”

Among those the governors have scores to settle with are the three senators from the state.

The governor also distanced himself from the comments of Saidu Adamu, one his aides, who apolgised to journalists in the state over the “frosty relationship” with the government.

The statement said Adamu has no mandate to speak for the governor or the government.

During a recent visit to the Kaduna state secretariat of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Adamu apologised to reporters and assured them of a cordial working relationship with the government.

“Governor El-Rufai is learning, he is bound to make mistakes and through that we make amendment. It is normal to have issues among ourselves especially in a state and when amendment is made, that is the only way the state will grow,” he had said.

“It is very important that we collaborate with you journalists and that is why l have come to interact with you and also appeal to you that l want you to be part of us. What has happened has happened.”

But Aruwan maintained that Adamu’s decision to address journalists was purely personal.

“Samuel Aruwan is the official designated to speak for the governor and the government of Malam Nasir el-Rufai,” he said.

“It is only statements from the official spokesperson that can be attributed to the governor, except in circumstances where designated senior officials have been mandated to represent the governor at events, and the speeches they will read at such places will have been suitably vetted and approved.
“Malam El-Rufai will not brook individuals trying to pass off their personal opinions as his.
“He is well-known for the frank expression of his views, and, as a leader, does not do proxies in taking responsibility for his actions, or those of the government he heads.
“On several platforms, especially his live radio chats, he has taken responsibility for the actions of his government, giving credit to officials when success comes, and taking the flak for low moments.
“As the man on whose table the buck stops, he has never abdicated nor delegated the duty of accountability.
“It is important to reiterate that the government has nothing to apologise to journalists for. The government pursues an open and transparent policy. The government maintains valuable partnerships with several credible media platforms.

“And it has never deformed its state-owned broadcaster into a propaganda outfit. Neither has it obliged that coterie of individuals who try to use journalism for purposes of extortion and blackmail.
“No journalist has faced any consequence for criticising Malam Nasir El-Rufai because criticism and abuse are part of the package for a leader.
“And in matters involving attacks on his reputation, Malam El-Rufai is pursuing civil proceedings in the courts.
“The NUJ may choose to confer awards on persons undergoing trial for fabricating stories, but the Kaduna State Government has no such luxury. There is no apology for curing people of the illusion that press freedom implies license to blackmail or incite religious and ethnic violence.”

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