Thursday, February 7, 2019


The newly appointed Caretaker Chairman of Southern-Ijaw Local Government Council, is an agitator who have dedicated and involved in the struggle towards creating friendly environment for our people to live.He have inculcated the heart to work assiduously towards advocating and providing supports for our people, irrespective of the blackmail from the enemies of our great party, PDP and the wellness of Bayelsa State. 

Gen. Africanus Ukparasia

Elaye The Tarakiri Boy

The leadership of Doodei Youth Vanguard Network( DYVAN ) , ably led by Comr Elaye Igbian Warifagha Yagila who also the Directot of Media to the Honourable Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bayelsa State, has heartily Congratulates  Gen. Africanus Ukparasia for the successful taken of oat to officiate as caretaker Chairman for the benefit of the entire people of Olodiama Kingdom.

He noted that, 6th of February, 2019 is a remarkable day as it has birthed the pregnancy for continuous unity, peace and development in Apoi/Olodiama Kingdom and across the entire Southern-Ijaw . He pointed out that Gov Dickson , the Governor of Bayelsa State,  His Excellency Hon Henry Seriake Dickson has once again chose and anointed another yet vibrant, focused, charismatic leader who needed most to support the state government at this point in time.

He said  is indeed, a call to glory. This is a great day, a day the people of Apoi/Olodiama Kingdom should reckon with. The swearing-in of a very young, vibrant, peaceful, exagitator, Africanus as the new Caretaker Chairman of Southern-Ijaw Local Government Council and other qualified and credible Lady as vice Chairperson into the realms of affair of the Local Government Council is applaudable and remained a plus to the consistent plea for development in Bayelsa State by the People Democratic Party (PDP).

 The truth is when you are called to serve in any position wither as a family member, leader or in business,  and  activitist, you should serve with your entire mind and always be sincere because people are watching you. In any calling, two things are involved; ‘To make yourself’ or ‘Mar yourself’, therefore, see every opportunity you have in life to enable others identify your real personality.Africanus have been identified by the society today because of his sacrificial services and effort in working fervently for the nation through various service sector, including; social group, communities and in their field of endeavour.

Commending the unity among the PDP members of the state, Comr Elaye applauded the good leadership of Hon Moses Cleopasas the state chairman of Bayelsa State PDP.

He stated that  Bayelsa State PDP members are truly happy with the leadership of Hon Moses Cleopas because, he has worked with the State Governor towards ensuring that, rightful persons are placed at rightful positions to promote the good image of the party through implementing visible and verifiable projects . Hon Moses, has played a fatherly role in PDP and has deemed it as his duty to immediately reconcile and unite any disputing parties if any.

He has embedded the heart of love among PDP members in various part of the State. The strength of PDP in the State is not a ferrytale, it is as result of unrelented handwork of a great, non-sentimental and passionate party leader. That is why the party is waxing strong and more powerful. I am convinced that even the opposition party in the state know the magnitude of your capabilities and have opted for defeat in the forth coming general elections poll (2019).  Trust me, Hon Moses Cleopas knows how to always engage the right card for the right game.

Elaye also thanked Gov Dickson , for appointing the rightful and appropriate individuals to pilot the affairs of the State,by consistently selecting persons who are dully qualified for the portfolio they are assigned to.

In his speech, he noted, "Bayelsa State has set a legacy through the Restoration Government of Gov Dickson in terms of trusting public service to the rightful individuals to promote peace and supports for the people to creates development and empowerment in their various constituencies".

He appoints people based on their ability to complement his effort towards radically restoring the good image of the State that has been altered in time past through massive infrastructural development and enablement of a friendly environment to attract investors into the state. No wonder, even our political opponent lack the inability to call him, the "Talk Na Do Governor".

The newly appointed Caretaker Chairman of Southern-Ijaw Local Government Council, is an agitator who have dedicated and involved in the struggle towards creating friendly environment for our people to live.He have inculcated the heart to work assiduously towards advocating and providing supports for our people, irrespective of the blackmail from the enemies of our great party, PDP and the wellness of Bayelsa State.

In his Congratulatory message Comr Elaye Igbian-Warifagha Yagila stated,

"On behalf my Boss the Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources Bayelsa State,  Hon Prince Doodei Week, I  humbly use this medium to  this medium to congratulate the new Caretaker Chairman of Southern -Ijaw Local Government Council , Gen Africanus Ukparasia on his new portfolio to serve the people he has always loved".

The batten is in your hand, go and make us proud, serve that more people will support the PDP, serve and let more people know that Gov. Dickson meant well for all of us, serve and let our people smile and finally never stop from upholding unto God, the author and finisher of our faith. Never be distracted by blackmailers and rumour mongers, remain steadfast at putting the interest of the people at heart.
Comr added.

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