Monday, April 29, 2019


The Governor òf Bayelsa State, the Honorable Henry Seriake Dickson, has declined assent to the bill seeking pension for former lawmakers from Bayelsa State as proposed and passed by the Assembly

The State Commissioner for Information, Mr. Daniel Iworiso-Markson, quoted the Governor as having said that he conveyed the decision to decline assent to the Bill in a letter to the Speaker òf the Bayelsa State House òf Assembly on Monday.

The Governor held consultations with the Assembly members in his country home of Toru-Orua, where he explained his reason for declining assent.

Iworiso-Markson quoted the governor as having said that the bill was inconsistent with Section 124 of the Constitution òf the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended.

Governor Dickson said that he was of the view that the State Assembly lacked the powers to expand the categories of public servants who should be entitled to pension.

He stressed that he had to withhold assent to the bill because the State which was bedeviled with a lot of challenges in spite of its low Internally generated revenue base and unstable earnings from the oil economy was the only state out of Nigeria’s 36 states to come up with such a bill.

The Governor stressed that he was guided in the decision by the principle that government should not be for a select class of the privileged in the society, and would not discard it over seven years into his administration.

He said that the lawmakers and indeed the Nigerian populace would attest to the fact that all decisions of his administration were guided by the strong urge to protect the public interest and promote the general good.

He said, “The provisions of this Bill granting pension to members of Bayelsa State House òf Assembly and the extension of same to former members of the Assembly and Bayelsa indigenes who served in the Old Rivers State House of Assembly, is inconsistent with Section 124 of the Constitution òf the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended.

“I am not convinced about the legality of this Billl which seeks to expand the categories of persons entitled to pension. While I agree that the Assembly can adjust the quantum of pension payable to persons entitled to pension, I am not convinced that the House has powers to add to the categories of pensionable public officers.

“Evidently, there is no record of any other state in this country that has expanded the categories of pensionable public officers to include  lawmakers.  I do not agree that Bayelsa which is coping with all the myriads of issues and challenges, with our low Internally Generated Revenue base and the unpredictable oil economy,  should be the first to initiate this.

“Honourable members of this Assembly, Bayelsans and other Nigerians following our progress as a government would clearly attest to the fact that my entire public service, actions and decisions are marked by what is in the public interest, particularly the interest of the vulnerable, ordinary people. It is in the service of this category of people that in the last seven years and counting, I have in an unprecedented manner which only history will record and reward, extended the frontiers of the benefits of purposeful democratic governance.

“It is my philosophy that government should not be for a select few. In the last seven years, my actions and decisions which have sometimes elicited opposition from the elite who have been feeding fat on the resources of our State, have been marked by this singular disposition of mine.

“And I do not intend at this point to abandon that. Rather I intend to do more and to consolidate on the policies and actions which have been taken to protect the vulnerable. Therefore, I am unable to assent to this bill which in my view aims to expand and consolidate the class interest of a privileged few.”

He said that the quest to protect the vulnerable against the privileged few inspired the populist programmes òf his administration which include the Bayelsa Health Insurance Scheme with over 150, 000 beneficiaries, the Education Trust Fund, the scholarship programmes that are supporting our young people in their studies both locally and outside the country, the various empowerment programmes, support for the aged, the most vulnerable, massive employment, public housing and a number of other social intervention  programmes which are already taking root.

He commended the leadership of the house for the healthy relationship with the executive organ and the high level of productivity as shown by the high number of bills and motions passed during the period insisting that their place in history was guaranteed.

He said that not withstanding his decision to decline assent to the bill, he still holds the Assembly in very high esteem.

The Governor also noted that he had to set up a committee on the contributory pension scheme to make it workable so that the assembly members and other appointees at the state and local government levels who are interested can take advantage of it.

The Governor urged the Assembly members to liaise with the committee adding that if legislative action was required after the work of the committee, he would readily communicate with them.


Uche J. Anozia, who was recently elevated to the position of Commissioner of Police by the Police Service Commission in January 2019, under the leadership of President Muhammadu buhari, has assumed duty as the new Commissioner of Police in Bayelsa State, with a declaration that his fight against crime will revolve around respect for rule of law, intelligence driven and Community Policing.

This is coming few months to the gubernatorial elections, scheduled for November 2nd.

In 2011, Uche Anozia served as Asaba Area commander. In 2016, as Deputy Commissioner of Police (Administration), he recovered N60,250,000 cash belonging to a bank in Port Harcourt.

Uche Anozia, in the 2019, general elections, was deployed to Edo North.

While assuming duty on Saturday, he said his strategy will be in adherence to international best practices with a view to restoring public confidence in the ability of the police to discharge its constitutional duty creditable and create a safe environment in interest of all and sundry.

Anozia, who admitted that the media practitioners in Bayelsa State, are critical partners with the Police Command, to fight against criminality in the state,"it is apposite to inform you that my leadership style will be intelligence-driven and anchored on community policing. "

"In this case, I shall crave the support and active collaboration of civil society groups such as community leaders, relevant youth organisations, religious leaders among others, to rid the state of criminal elements. "

He admitted that on his arrival in the state, he was briefed of the prevailing crime categories in the state, "such as cultist, armed robbery, kidnapping, rape, inter and intra communal dispute, among others.i have charged my officers to pick up the gauntlet,and proactively uproot crime and criminals in the state. "

On the recent relocation of the National and State Assembly Election Petition Tribunal to Abuja over alleged poor security in the state, Police Commissioner Uche Anozia, declined comment.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


The story of Monday-Bubou Edwin Obolo is the story of courage and resilience. His enviable impacts and indelible reputation as former lawmaker in the largest Local Government in West Africa who represent the fablous characters of Silga Ward II and later advance as the Vice Chairman to the Executive Chairman Hon Steve Diver after few months he took over as the Cuncil Executive Chairman the Council truly showed that our democracy has come of age with such man of high integrity, vision and purpose.

Your steady progress did not just start today, those of us who knew you from your youthful age till now  would not easily forget that leadership qualities in you.

Today as the most effective lawmaker Bayelsa State House of Assembly rerepresenting the great people of Southern-Ijaw Constituency II,  there are convictions in the minds of the core progressives that our democracy is truly yielding desired results. Here is a man who on many instances had demonstrated his love for Constituents above pecuniary interest and taught others to embrace same.

Looking back over the past few years, I am sure that you, your family and indeed your larger family of associates and admirers do have cause to be grateful to Almighty God for having granted you a life of great accomplishment and abiding fulfilment.

Out of my personal convictions, and on behalf of the Doodei Youth Vanguard Network  (DYVAN) , I write to express my warm felicitations to you on the landmark occasion of your quadragenarian birthday anniversary. As you deservedly celebrate this glorious day, it is our fervent prayer that Almighty God, who has richly prospered you and ordered your every step this past half century, will continue to bless you with good health and fulfillment in the many more years of worthy service ahead of you.

Congratulations Sir. I wish you best of luck in your political endeavour and may all your efforts work in your favour and that of our party, The Peoples Democratic Party PDP.

Signed :

Elaye Igbian Warifagha YagilaYagila
Dir. of Electronic Media to the Agric Commissioner.
DG, Doodei Youths Vanguard Network, Bayelsa State.

Monday, April 22, 2019


The Governor òf Bayelsa State, the Honourable Henry Seriake Dickson, has reaffirmed that the flagbearer of the Peoples Democratic Party who will succeed would emerge through intense prayers and consultations.

Governor Dickson stated this while speaking at the Monthly Praise Night and the 8th edition of the Easter Cantata programme organised by his administration in Yenagoa on Saturday night.

In a statement by his Special Adviser, Media Relations, Mr Fidelis Soriwei, the Governor stressed the need for all well-meaning Bayelsans and friends of the state to pray for its continued stability and peace.

He also urged the people to seek the face of God for His divine direction as the PDP embarks on the search for the next governor of the state.

However, the Governor stressed that it was his prayers that the state was not handed over to a person who had no regard for the authority’ of God.

According to the Governor, his position on who succeeds him is firmly anchored on the belief that God does not only give power but truly rule in the affairs of men.

Governor Dickson who expressed gratitude to the clergy and people of the state for their prayers and support in the past seven years, attributed his achievements in office to the mercies of God.

While calling for more support, he reiterated his administration's commitment to finishing well and strong, noting that the period left for the Restoration Team to round off its stewardship is long enough to do more for the state.

His words, "I will not cease thanking God and you the clergymen and indeed the good people of our state for the prayers and encouragement and support you are giving to me and my team.

"We have achieved a lot in the past seven years because of your support and the mercies of God in spite of the meaningless distractions to destabilize our state which has been adjudged as the most stable in the Niger Delta.

"But as usual, let me call on all of us to use this period of Easter, which is a period for sober reflection, to continue to invite the presence of God in our state. We must not relent in our prayers because the enemies of our land are planning hard to destroy the peace and stability we have laboured to build.

"But we have nothing to fear. They put their trust in chariots, weapons and connections in Abuja but we trust in the Almighty God who has always saved us.

"Since we handed over our government to God, we have been reinforcing it through prayers and positive declarations that this state which I call the Jerusalem of the Ijaw nation shall not be handed over again to anybody who does not fear the authority of the Almighty God above.

" I will formally invite everybody in this state to pray because I feel that the next leader of our state is not going to be selected from my pocket. No I won't do that; It's too important a decision to come from one person.

"That is why we have to first commit it as a burden to God so that we can be guided not by the whims, thoughts, desires and calculations of men but by His divine will and direction. After the prayers, then I will engage on intensive consultations.

" For all those who are thinking of being part of this equation, I prescribe same for you. Don't overheat the system because we still have a lot to do for our state even in the remaining months.”

Earlier in his message, the General Overseer of the Royal House Grace International Church, Apostle Zilly Aggrey stressed the need for people to trust God at all times as His plans are always higher and better than that of men.

He thanked God for the achievements of the Restoration Government under Governor Dickson especially in the areas of infrastructure development and promoting the worship of God.

According to Apostle Aggrey, star projects such as the state International Airport, three senatorial roads, the 15,000-seater Ecumenical Centre and setting aside November 2nd as State Thanksgiving Day by law would endear the Governor to every well meaning person now and in the future.

Emphasizing on the importance of the Thanksgiving Day, the Cleric urged the Chairman of the Independent National Chairman, Professor Yakubu Mahmud, to show respect for God by shifting the 2nd November 2019 date the Commission has announced for the state governorship election.

The well attended Easter Cantata featured special renditions of hymns and praises from several choirs including the King of Glory Chapel Choir, St Paul's Izon Anglican Church Choir, Amarata, Restoration Choir and the Friday Konyefa singing group.

Saturday, April 13, 2019


The Bayelsa State Executive Council has applauded the management of the state owned Niger Delta University for midwifing the successful accreditation of more courses by the National University Commission (NUC).

The council at its 106th meeting said the development has again proved that the investment the government is making in the education sector is truly paying off.

The State Commissioner for Education, Hon. Jonathan Obuebite stated this while briefing journalists at the end of the meeting on Thursday.

He said it was cheering for Governor Seriake Dickson and other members of the council when the managment of the school presented the report of the just concluded 2018 accreditation excercise of the institution.

Hon. Obuebite disclosed that the 29 programmes presented before the NUC  got full accreditation and by that has increased the enrollment of more students into the university.

According to him, Governor Dickson praised the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Governing Council as well as other members of the management team for the feat, noting that it was their committment and efforts that yielded the positive result.

He said: "Today council at its 106th meeting recieved the management team of the Niger Delta University. They presented the report of the recently concluded accreditation exercise. I am glad to announce that we got 100 percent accreditation for all the 29 programmes that was presented.

"This development has automatically increased enrollment of students into the school. Now 7,100 students can gain adminssion into the NDU if they pass JAMB. This has no doubt shown that our investment in the education sector is yielding the desire fruits".

In his remarks the Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Daniel Iworiso-Markson said a 27 member committee has been inaugurated for the burial of late poet, literary icon and renowned novelist, Pa Gabriel Okara.

Iworiso-Markson informed that the committee which is headed by the Deputy Governor also has the Chief of Staff Government House, some serving commissioners, representative of the Association of Nigerian Authors and veteran journalist, Linsday Barret as members.

He said Governor Dickson charged the committee to work closely with the Okara family to give the departed literary giant a burial befitting of a hero.

"To underscore how important Pa Gabriel Okara is to the government and people of Bayelsa State, His Excellency decided that the Deputy Governor should be in charge of that commitee which is made up of other prominent personalities who will also serve as heads of various sub-committees" he said.

Friday, April 12, 2019


It was a day of agony and grief in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State as the remains of the Government House Photographer, Reginald Dei and a Chieftain of the Peoples Democratic party (PDP) Taribi Seidougha, were committed to mother earth amidst tears.

Taribi was also a Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Grassroots Mobilization.

Governor Seriake Dickson who spoke during the commendation service in honour of the two young men in Yenagoa, said they were gruesomely murdered in their own home by yet to be identified soldiers during the last Presidential and National Assembly elections in Oweikoroagha, Southern Ijaw local government area.

A statement by his Special Adviser on Media Relations, Hon Fidelis Soriwei quoted Governor Dickson as having condemned the incessant deployment of state institutions to undermine the peace and stability of Bayelsa since 2015 for political reasons.

The Governor offered automatic employment to the young widows of the deceased and scholarship to the children they left behind.

The grieving Governor said the two corpses were clear evidence of the politically motivated killings perpetrated by leaders of the All Progressives Congress, APC in the state who had the backing on the Federal Government.

He said that it was absurd and indeed reprehensible for criminals to be given security cover in the residence of supposed APC leaders after committing brazen acts of criminality against the state as was the case in the murder of Dei and Seidougha.

According to Governor Dickson, "security operatives were put at the disposal of APC leaders in the state to intimidate, kill and maim our people’ during the last election.”

The governor described the day of the burial of the Oweikorogha two, as one of the saddest day of his administration as the duo were killed by soldiers who were taken to their residence by some Oweikorogha citizens to murder them.

“Today is a sad day not because of the very young age at which their lives were cut short but because of the way and manner they were murdered in cold blood in Oweikoroagha in their own homes by uniformed men at the command and behest of political operatives."

He lamented that the main culprits in the dastardly act boasted that he would go to the residence of an APC leader in Abuja to evade arrest by security men as if Abuja had become a sanctuary for killers.

“The killers in Bayelsa that are known are protected by the agencies of the Nigerian state.  If anyone ever thought that all I have been saying about killers and their protection was politics here lies the evidence.

"The FG is not interested in the peace security and stability of Bayelsa. They want Bayelsa to be turned into a state òf blood like other states.
In Katsina, there were no killings, but here soldiers were deployed for all APC politicians."

The Governor urged the people of the state to remain calm and vigilant stating that, his administration would embark on what he called, 'the Niger Delta Movement' to mobilize people in their various communities on how to defend themselves as the Federal Government has failed in its primary responsibility of protecting lives and properties.

Paying tributes, Governor Dickson described Dei as a very professional, dedicated member of the media team in Government House and Taribi as a decent and honourable young man.

He said that the late photographer drew commendations from even visitors and foreigners to Government House because of his devotion to duty.

Also in his remarks, the State Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John JonahJ (Retd) expressed shock that soldiers who are funded with tax-payers money could turn their weapons against the people.

He said that the murder of the innocent was unacceptable in any civilized clime, as there are specified rules of engagement for the military whose role in elections are defined.

He said that the military had a responsibility to investigate the killings.

Also, the State Chairman of the PDP, Hon. Moses Cleopas wondered why Bayelsans would kill their brothers over an election contested by two northern brothers whose places did not record such acts.

Others who paid tributes are Senator elect for Bayela Central, Douye Diri, the Speaker of Bayelsa State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon.  Konbowei Benson, the Commissioner for Agriculture, Hon Prince DoodeiWeek and the member Representing Southern Ijaw 2 Constituency in the House of Assembly, Hon Monday-Bubou Edwin Obolo

Sunday, April 7, 2019


The Governor of Bayelsa State, the Honourable Henry Seriake Dickson, has offered automatic employment to 307 products of the Bayelsa State Scholarship Scheme who have concluded their doctorate degree and master decree programmes in various disciplines in universities across the world.

A statement by the Special Adviser, Media Relations, Mr Fidelis Soriwei, on Sunday, quoted the Governor as having made declared automatic employment for 107 PhD holders and 200 MSC degree holders during a meeting with beneficiaries of the scheme in Yenagoa at the weekend.

The Governor also announced automatic employment to all medical doctors, pharmacists and public health specialists and other beneficiaries of the State Scholarship Scheme who studied professional courses considered critical to the ongoing efforts to develop the state.

The Governor told the ecstatic audience that the 107 PhD holders would be deployed to the three state-owned universities - the Niger Delta University, University òf Africa and the Bayelsa Medical University - as lecturers.

He stated also that other products of the scheme who studied medicine and other professional courses at Master Degree level would be engaged by the state Government in the various medical facilities and the civil service respectively.

The beneficiaries of the scheme returned with PhDs and MSC in disciplines such as Electrical/Electronics Engineering, Agricultural Economics, Agric engineering, International relations, Pharmacy Practice, Public Health, Computing and Electronics System, Gas turbine engineering, Natural Resources Management, Environmental Law and Management, Statistics and others.

However, the Governor noted that the State Scholarship Scheme which was designed to send an army òf Bayelsa scholars to universities across the globe came with heavy sacrifice and cost to the government.

According to him, the government was saddled with outstanding liabilities of about three million Pounds, one million Euros, several million of Dollars, and Naira.

He stressed that while the cost of sending the scholars outside the country was quite huge, investment in education and human capacity development was the only way to wrest the state from clutches of underdevelopment, oppression and poverty.

He stated further that the plan of the Restoration Government under his leadership send an large number of Bayelsa Scholars to universities across the globe was stalled by the 2016 economic recession which affected several programmes of the government.

He said, “We should not forget to invest in education. The reason we are where we are is because of lack of education, the reason people take away our resources with impunity is lack of education.

“The mindless degradation of our own environment, the acts of impunity against our people and their environment, what I call environmental terrorism, is because of the backwardness in education.

“Those who woke up early and embraced education have taken over everywhere. This is our own way of equipping our people to be able to tackle the existential challenges facing us today.

“The cost is quite huge but no matter the cost, this is the right way to go. I don’t need to know any one of you to be given the opportunity and encouraged to study abroad.

“While it is good to build roads, hospitals, edifices, for the state, investments in human capacity is the most important. All the others can collapse but the investment in human capacity development will endure.”

“I had the intention to send out an army of scholars across the globe but the recession stalled that plan. Several programmes including the scheme suffered stagnation as a result of the recession, the worst in the history of our country.

“All those who have completed their PhDs and about to complete, totaling 107; the over 200 who have MSC in some core professional courses like Civil Engineering, Statistics, Pharmacy, Public Health and others and all medical doctors are hereby given automatic employment.”

The Governor assured beneficiaries of the scholarship scheme still in various universities within and outside the country that the state government would ensure the release of funds next week to gradually address the issues of outstanding bills in the various which are host to them.

He directed the Scholarship Board to commence the process to immediately settle the outstanding bills of scholars who have concluded their studies and needed their certificates for promotion or upgrading as well those who want to further their studies.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries who studied for Phd, Dr, Jude Cocodia, a lecturer at the Niger Delta University, commended Governor Dickson his bold revolution in the education sector in the state.

He said that the state was already feeling the positive impacts of years of sustained investments in education especially at the NDU which is host to a large number of the beneficiaries.

The Governor has earlier offered automatic employment to 31 First Class graduates and 1000 young graduates into the state civil service who received their letters of employment in January, 2019.

Governor Dickson said that his administration established the Tertiary Education Loan Scheme to enable every Bayelsa child with a desire to attain University education to obtain a loan collateralized by their certificates and then pay back when they are gainfully employed.

He stressed that the administration succeeded in building schools, set up various scholarship programs for all levels cut across the state in spite of the recession.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019


Nigeria police on Monday evening finally announce say dem arrest di members of di Anti Cultism unit of Nigeria police force wey kee one Kolade Johnson for Mangoro bus stop, Lagos run on Sunday.

Inside statement wey Lagos State police command release, police say na "eyewitness helep dem sabi di team wey run immediately " dem shoot Kolade.

"Members of di team wey dem suspect say dem get hand for di shooting don dey under arrest and now dem dey police custody dey do interrogation." According to di Lagos Police Public Relations Officer DSP Bala Elkana.

Acting IGP don disband FSARS and odas with immediate effect
Lagos Police Commissioner don call meeting afta SARS 'kill' pesin
Meanwhile, di Lagos State commissioner of police Zubairu Muazu say make Lagosians cool temper, say Kolade go get justice.

SARS na special anti-robbery squad of Nigeria Police and for 2018 dem enta news wella because of how dem dey take do tins. Some Nigerians enta street protest and even create di #EndSARS campaign, unto how dem say di police unit dey take treat especially young pipo.

Rights group, Amnesty International on Monday tell Nigeria goment say make dem investigate di death of one innocent Nigerian wey Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) police unit kill for Lagos on Sunday.
Police bin kill one young man through accidental discharge as dem dey pursue anoda man for viewing centre.

Director of Amnesty Osai Ojigho say, "Kolade Johnson na di latest victim SARS police unit wey don dey notorious for illegal kee kee, torture plus to collect moni and oda tins by force."

Ojigho say, "e dey shameful say more dan two years wey Amnesty international show di crime wey SARS don commit under international law and human rights, dis kain shocking tins still dey happun."